The study was aimed at determining the effect of school type and the job performance of secondary schools teachers in Cross River State of Nigeria. The expo fact design was adopted for the study, through a survey data collected from a total of 720 secondary school teachers (440 from the public and 280 from the private) and analyzed to determine the effect of school type on teachers job performance. Result indicated that teachers in private schools were superior to their counterparts in public schools in teaching, as well as formative and summative evaluation. Teachers in the two types of schools were about the same in classroom management, students discipline and supervision of co-curricular activities. From the result of the analysis it was recommended that if the ministry wants good result from the public schools, they must fund the school system, equip the laboratories and recruit qualified teaching. Also that public school teachers must be provided with conducive teaching/learning environment to enable them meet up the challenge of performance as witnessed in the private schools. Finally, that public school teachers should be made accountable to the school system by way of proper supervision by school heads.
Keywords: Job Performance, Effectiveness among teachers.
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(2), 9-15, 2011