This paper reviewed what physical fitness is as the ability to carry out daily tasks easily and to have enough energy to respond to unexpected demands placed upon you. Fitness activities include warm-up and cool-down activities. When these activities are properly done it does not only enhances one’s health, alertness, but also promote the mental emotional, physical social and spiritual well-being of an academia. It brings about all round development of other body e.g. agility, strength, power, motor skills, circulo-respiratory and cardio vascular-endurance. The paper also pointed out some enemies of physical fitness which are not only limited to Poor hygiene, Bad habits e.g. drinking, smoking, drugs; Wrong mental attitude and Poor posture. Above all, the paper recommends that academia should engage in Circuit training (exercise done in a circular form), interval training, ensure a balanced diet to enhance the organic functions and have self-dedication and drive towards training.
Keywords: Activities, Exercises, Fitness, Nutrition and Vitamins
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(3), 41-49, 2011