It seems fair to argue that opinions from Nigeria’s government and its policy makers, and the management of various Nigerian higher institutions of learning concerning the mandatory introduction of entrepreneurship education in all disciplines so far have lacked a common framework. This lack of framework is responsible for the unending debates as to what way should the old curriculum be change to integrate entrepreneurship education? What should constitute the scheme of the entrepreneurship course if a change in curriculum is indeed needed? Whose responsibility the entrepreneurship course teaching should be? And many questions regarding the integration of entrepreneurial theoretical and vocational education still remain unanswered. Hence, this study seeks to give a clue to the aforementioned unending debates and unanswered questions; and advance the need for entrepreneurial education in Nigerian higher institutions of learning by reviewing and synthesizing available entrepreneurship education literature. The paper concludes that entrepreneurship education initiative is ideal for Nigeria, be a country that have been in economic stagnation since early 1980s; and that the right and competent teaching staff of various higher institutions that are knowledgeable in entrepreneurship studies should be saddled with the entrepreneurship theoretical teaching responsibility and the vocational aspect should be the responsibility of staff in those disciplines that have bearing to the vocational entrepreneurship education activities structured