Many had argued that African religion would decline with the advent of secular development. Instead, African Religion has arguably surged in numbers as well as visibility in Africa, the Caribbean, the United States of America, Latin America, Britain and the entire world. How does a discourse on the complementary roles of science and African Religion in promoting social transformation begin? What are the concrete areas of human activity that can be most meaningfully affected? What should be the modern trends in the teaching of African Religion in the 21st century? It is suggested that the discourse should focus on the process of capacity building in the areas of education, economic activity and organization, technological development, good governance, justice and to acknowledge that humanity is a single people with a common destiny and understand that development must cease to be something one does for others. The task of erecting a peaceful and just global society must involve all members of the human family. If the capacities of the world’s Peoples are to reach the levels needed to address the complex requirements of the present hour, the resources of both reason and faith will have to be tapped. A vision is needed, and the proper vision will never take shape if the spiritual heritage of the human race continues to be regarded as tangential to development policy and programs. Therefore, the modern trends in the teaching of AFREL in the 21st century must be holistic, comparative, dialogically coordinated and dynamic to meet the internet age.