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Africa and Ethnic Conflict Management: A Comparative Study of Nigeria and South Africa
and stability than ever before. Conflicts igniting factors in Africa have been a hotch - potch of insecurity, instability and poverty manifesting in hunger and starvation. All these are themselves products of corrupt and rapacious political institutions that assumed power in the African countries. This has been the case in countries of sub-Saharan Africa like Sierra-Leone, Ivory Coast, Liberia and the Democratic Republic
of Congo. The contention therefore in this paper is that conflict has become a reoccurring decimal in Africa because the countries lack political will and consequently ineffective in conflict management. This paper is also meant to be a contribution towards the ongoing search for new means of managing ethnic conflict in Africa. The paper compares the management of ethnic conflicts in Nigeria and South Africa with
a view to underscoring the intricacies in managing deep-rooted and complex conflicts in Africa.