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Commentary on selected paintings of Agaku Saghevwua Amos

Saghevwua Amos Agaku
Rabo Samuila Ezra
Nkechinyere Jennifer Anyaoha


Documenting artists while they are alive has curtailed the distortion of biographies and artistic achievements. Over the years, it has been observed that many writers struggle to give vivid explanations about some artists who produced artworks, but were not known while  alive. This narrative is gradually changing whereby exhibition catalogues today carry the artist's biography and a few explanations of the  exhibits. This paper is a product of one of such exhibitions whereby some of the pieces of information were obtained from the exercise.  Agaku Saghevwua Amos is a painter who has chosen to capture socio-cultural issues in his works. Examples of renowned artists  worldwide are presented to give a background to painting activities. The works are purposively chosen to meet the intention of the paper  using simple random sampling. The qualitative method is used to analyse the works by making commentary on issues related to  the subjects. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1813-2227