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The land question in relation to inter-ethnic conflicts in Laikipia County 1850-2022

Bradley Barasa Namunyu


In light of modernism, institutional land reforms and new governance structures, land was still a factor in the manifestation of inter- ethnic conflicts in Kenya and beyond. There was need therefore to research why land triggered inter-ethnic conflicts in Laikipia County.  The research question was how has the land question influenced inter-ethnic conflicts in Laikipia County 1850-2022? Instrumentalism and  articulation of modes of production theories were used to give the theoretical framework of this research article. It adopted the  historical research design and data was analyzed thematically to ensure validity and reliability. It established and concluded that  ancestral land claims, colonialism, changes in land use and land tenure, geo-politics, ethnocentrism and government resettlement programme led to the rise of the land question which triggered inter- ethnic conflicts in Laikipia County 1850-2022. The research article recommended that; ancestral land claims and historical land injustices should be addressed. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1813-2227