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Public relations practice and crisis management: A study of the Federal College of Education, Obudu

Charles Ushie


This research paper is hinged on the relationship between the management of FCE, Obudu and the students with particular interest on how public relations can mediate in the event of crisis. Crisis, unarguably, is inevitable in every human society. The strategies deployed by FCE, Obudu to create and maintain a cordial relationship and integration is the crux of this study as we situate it under  the Issues Management Theory and social responsibility theory. The survey method of research with the interview and questionnaire as instruments were used to elicit data from 390, respondents made up of staff and students. The findings, among others, suggest that since communication is the engine room of any organization, more public relations strategies should be employed to enhance a positive image. The researcher therefore recommends that the Public Relations Department of FCE, Obudu should establish an effective and hands-on approach in propagating good community relations and cooperate social responsibilities, effective communication and also encourage PR staff to undergo refresher courses and, also, more robust  strategies should be deployed.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1813-2227