Authors should submit their manuscripts by e-mail directly to the General Manager (

Large picture files should be sent compressed on separate e-mail to avoid problems.

Manuscripts should be accompanied with a cover letter that should indicate the contact information (address, telephone, fax number and email) of the corresponding author. A statement on permitting publication of the materials and on being not considered anywhere else other than the Libyan Journal of Medicine (Ijm), signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors, is required to be included in the cover letter with each submitted manuscript.

Manuscripts are considered for publication if and only if the article and its key features are not under consideration elsewhere, and have not been published. This restriction does not apply to abstracts or press reports published in connection with scientific meetings.

The scope of the journal covers all medical research and related subjects. Articles within the scope of the journal are welcomed from all scientists and medical professionals. Types of manuscripts submitted for publication may include: Original reports, case reports, new ideas, technical notes, comments, letters to editor, etc., in full-length papers consisting of complete and detailed descriptions of a research problem, the experimental approach, the findings, and appropriate discussion.

Reviews: Scholarly and critical topic-oriented reviews that present a state-of-the-art view, Articles with perspective on the community health and health economy, and ABC-articles written for medical students and doctors under training on a disease, procedure or treatment. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material that has appeared in another publication. A copy of the agreement, executed and signed by the author, is required with each manuscript submission.

Manuscripts (in English) must be typed (font Arial, size 12) double spaced, with one-inch (2.5 cm) margins, on one side of the paper only. Full-length manuscripts should be organised in the following order: title page, authors and their affiliations on separate page, abstract page including abstract and keywords, introduction, main text, acknowledgments, references, legends for tables and figures, then tables and figures. The main text of original research and short reports should also contain materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions. All abbreviations should be expanded at first mention. Expansions of all abbreviations used in tables and figures should be provided. Abbreviations in titles, abstracts, and running heads should be avoided. When mentioning a material, chemical reagent, instrument or other product, use the generic name only. Identification (proprietary name, manufacturer’s name and address) is also required. ln studies involving human subjects, the authors must include; “all subjects enrolled in this research have responded to an lnformed Consent which has been approved by local Ethics Committee on Human Research and that this protocol has been found acceptable by them.”

When animals are used in the research reported, the authors must state that approval of the study was obtained and the guidelines, regulations for the care and use of laboratory animals have been observed. If a study was performed on tissues or cells or other patient derived materials, a statement on informed consent should be provided in the text of materials and methods section of the manuscript. Photos of patients that allow their recognition are not acceptable. Thus, eyes of patients in pictures have to be masked. If it is necessary to have a face pictured to show an abnormality, a separate decision has to be discussed with the Ijm editors, following the patient’s consent. However, all measures should be taken to minimize patient recognition.

Manuscripts including references (but not figures or tables) should be no longer than 40 pages. Manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the title page (page number 1).
-List the full title of the paper on page 1.
-List on page 2, each author’s full name (first name, middle initial(s), and surname), department, institution, city, and country. Indicate the name and address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
-Supply a short title (Running head) of no more than 65 characters. Running head should appear on every page of the manuscript.
-A short abstract (200-250 words or less) is required for all papers. Structured abstract should contain the subheadings: Background /aims, material /methods, results and conclusions. This abstract should be carefully prepared. The abstract should be a summary of the entire paper, not the conclusions alone, and should precede the main body of the paper (page 3).
-The author(s) should provide a list of five keywords or phrases which most clearly typify the main points made in the manuscript.
-It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce materials which have appeared in another publication. Please supply complete legends for all figures. Legends are to appear on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript. Please provide the image files in JPG format, maximum quality.
-Tables must be typed on separate sheets. Number tables consecutively, starting as “Table 1, ...“, and include a title for each table. References All references should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text of the manuscript. They should appear under the heading "REFERENCES".

Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should conform to those in the latest edition of Index Medicus.

When cited in the text, reference numbers should be presented in brackets.
Examples: For journal articles (6 or fewer authors): Ashammakhi N, Veiranto M, Suokas E, Tiainen J, Niemelä SM, Törmälä p. Innovation in multifunctional bioabsorbable osteoconductive drug-releasing hard tissue fixation devices. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2006 ;17:1275-82. For journal articles (more than 6 authors): Bagasra O, Patel D, Bobroski L, et al: Localization of human herpesvirus type 8 in human sperms by in situ PCR. J Mol Histol. 2005; 36:401-12. For books/chapters: Ricci JL, Guichet J-M. Total hip replacement: A third look. Cindra AB, Franklin DE, editors. State of the art orthopaedics, vol 3, Hips. New York: Wiley; 1988:56—59. For conference abstracts: Davidson GRH. Total hip replacement: A fifth look. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on zzz, New York, USA, April 5-6, 1987; 22-341—345.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1819-6357
print ISSN: 1993-2820
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