The aim of the journal is to publish high quality medical data in the different discipline of medicine. It also aims at rapid publication via the advanced online publication. The journal is directed to clinicians and researcher around the globe. The scope of the journal covers all medical research and related subjects. This includes Original clinical prospective and retrospective studies, original research data reporting, case reports, technical notes, comments, and letters to editor. The journal welcome scholarly Reviews that are topic-oriented that either review the topic or present a state-of-the-art view. Manuscripts that discuss medical economy, health policies, medical ethics, and medical education are welcomed too. The ABC section is directed toward to medical students and junior clinicians and focuses on practical points of diagnosis and management.
Other websites related to this journal: http://www.libyanjournalofmedicine.net/index.php/ljm
As of 2013 the LJM had an impact factor 0.585
Current Issue: Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022)
Published: 2022-10-14