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Influence of students’ study habits on academic dishonesty in public secondary schools in Makueni County, Kenya
Academic dishonesty is a growing concern in secondary schools globally, and Kenya is no exception. This study investigated the influence of study habits on academic dishonesty among secondary school students in Makueni County, Kenya. This study was informed by Psychosocial Dynamic Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour. The investigator used mixed method concurrent triangulation model that combined linear regression model and phenomenology. The targeted populace for the study was 79,122 participants consisting of 75,000 students, 3,865 teachers, 250 principals, 6 SCDEs and 1 CDE. The researcher used stratified sampling technique to select schools participating in the study. The sample size was 802 which consisted of 750 students sampled randomly, 25 principals and 25 teachers sampled purposively. There was 1 SCDE and 1 CDE purposively sampled. The research tools utilized were surveys for principals, teachers and students, and interviews for SCDEs and the County Director of Education. The validity of the research instruments was guaranteed by the expert opinion of the supervisors. For reliability, test-retest technique was utilized with Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha worth 0.700 termed as dependable. Concurrent triangulation was utilized to guarantee credibility. A detailed interview was utilized to assess dependability of non-numerical tools. Descriptive data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages and presented through tables and figures. Inferential statistics was analyzed through linear regression and presented through tables while qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented through narration and verbatim citations. The study findings were that poor study habits led to inadequate preparation, causing students to engage in academic dishonesty.