Findings from psychological research in Africa and related regions needs a forum for better dissemination and utilisation in the context of development. Special emphasis is placed on the consideration of African, African-American, Asian, Caribbean, and Hispanic-Latino realities and problems. Contributions should attempt a synthesis of emic and etic methodologies and applications. The Journal of Psychology in Africa includes original articles, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, special issues, case analyses, reports and announcements.
Publisher Details
Please note: This journal is no longer published within Africa, which, according to AJOL's policies, does not allow us to host the subsequent issues of this journal published after 2005. Please contact the new publisher - Taylor & Francis Group (UK) for further information: http://www.tandfonline.com/
Current Issue: Vol. 15 No. 2 (2005): Special Issue
Published: 2006-02-16