Published: 2024-03-30

Bacterial and fungal isolates from crude oil polluted sediment in Eniong River, Itu, Nigeria

Egbomuche R. C., Ekwenye U. N., Akinjogunla O. J., Ikeh A. O., Akpan S. B.


Survey of the effect and medical application of electromagnetic radiation

Ojobeagu A. O. , Vwavware O. J., Ossai C., Akpoyibo O. , Chikwendu A. O.


A priority-based self-adaptive random early detection algorithm in IoT gateways

Abdulrahman Nasiru Sada, Oyenike Mary Olanrewaju, Yusuf Surajo


RatHole: Authentication algorithm for controling access to mobile phone file management system

Muhammad Samaila Kabir, Oyenike Mary Olarenwaju , Abubakar Mukhtar


Crude oil degradation potentials of bacterial communities from humic freshwater ecosystem of Eniong river sediment samples

Egbomuche R. C. , Ekwenye U. N. , Ikeh A. O., Anosike I. K., Etang U. E., Ikeh C. E.


Crop recommendation predictive analysis using ensembling techniques

Muhammad Umar Abdullahi, Morufu Olalere, Gilbert I. O. Aimufua, Kene Tochukwu Anyachebelu, Bako Halilu Egga


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-9962
print ISSN: 3026-9091