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Application of tetracyclic polyprenoid biomarkers in Yola basin of the Northern Benue trough, Northeast Nigeria: Implications for source origin and paleoenvironment
Tetracyclic polyprenoids biomarkers (TPP) were investigated on the Cretaceous sediments of Yola Sub-basin based on gas chromatography-doublet mass spectrometry. This is with an objective to re-examine the organic source input and paleodepositional environment of the sediments. The study revealed that the Bima shales were deposited in the lacustrine environment under suboxic to relatively anoxic depositional condition while the analysed Yolde, Dukul, Jessu, Sekuliye and Numanha shale sediments were deposited within the marine environment under suboxic depositional condition. More so, the analysed Lamja coal and shale samples were deposited in a delta environment under oxic to suboxic depositional condition. The study therefore, suggest that the paleodepositional environments of the studied shale sediments within the Yola Sub-basin remain as continental (lacustrine), transitional (marine and delta) and could have the potential to generate appreciable quantity of oil and gas.