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Prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Streptococcus pneumoniae amongst residents of Obong Ntak in Etim Ekpo Local Government of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Anosike I. K.
Egbomuche R. C.
Etang U. E.
Akpan N. G.
Abasiubong V. N.


Streptococcus pneumonia is among the major causative agents of respiratory tract infections and colonizes the nasopharyngeal cells of asymptomatically healthy individuals. Prevalence and antibiotics sensitivity of Streptococcus pneumonia amongst residents in a rural setting was evaluated. A total of 250 nasal swab samples (125 males and 125 females) were collected using sterile swab sticks. Administration of open-ended questionnaires, culture of the samples, identification of isolates, antimicrobial sensitivity test and determination of
prevalence rate were all done using standard protocols. Out of the 250 samples collected, 35 were positive for S. pneumonia giving an overall prevalence of 14%. Based on sex, the prevalence rates were 15% and 20% for males and females, respectively. Prevalence rates of 12.5%, 13.7%, 12.7% and 25% were recorded for age groups of 10-20, 21-40, 41-60 and >60 years, respectively. The presence of S. pneumoniae based on the health status of the participants showed that the prevalence rates were 20% and 11.70% for clinically ill and clinically healthy individuals, respectively. The resistance profile to the test antibiotics were 22.9%, 22.9%, 11.4%, 100%, 100%, 34.3%, 34.3%, 100%, 54.3% and 77.1% respectively to perfloxacin, septrin, ciprofloxacin, amoxacilin, zinacef, gentamicin, erythromycin, ampliclox, streptomycin and rocephin. Ciprofloxacin was the most effective antibiotic followed by perfloxacin and septrin. Our isolates showed 100% multi-drug resistance and is a cause for concern.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-9962
print ISSN: 3026-9091