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Drivers influencing customers’ visitation patterns to Ecolodges: A case study of cross River State, Nigeria
The natural habitat is unprecedentedly experiencing a detrimental impact on the hospitality industry globally; hence, alternative practices such as ecolodges have become inevitable eco-friendly tourism options. However, there is a shortage of quantitative evidence of the drivers influencing customers’ visitation to ecolodges, particularly OMR and CRNP in Cross River State, Nigeria. Drivers influencing customer visitation and attractions to advance customer willingness to revisit were investigated in this study. A convenience sampling technique was
employed to administer a structured questionnaire to the 635 tourists who have spent at least a night at the studied ecolodges. Descriptive statistics and correlation tests were used for the data analysis. From the results, better consideration of new destinations, alluring cultural and historical landmarks, and enjoying local life and
customs were some notable influential push factors. The pull factors were enjoying good physical amenities, landscape and wildlife conservation, exploring, and learning about nature.