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RatHole: Authentication algorithm for controling access to mobile phone file management system

Muhammad Samaila Kabir
Oyenike Mary Olarenwaju
Abubakar Mukhtar


Millions of Naira are being laundered by criminals through internet fraud, which deceives the victim with a false presentation, or hacking, which involves breaking information system security to steal financial information or data. Cybercrime, more specifically internet fraud, has become a common problem facing the world. In any case, this only occurred if the attacker was able to obtain the victim's account privileges (bank account, credit card information, or login credentials). This work presented an authentication technique that can be inexpensively
implemented and used to create a secure architecture that is hard to breach. It can also reduce the amount of overhead that is placed on the authentication server during an attempt at authentication. The possibility of breaking the authentication technique was calculated using probability theory, and the mobile-based authentication algorithm was implemented using Android Studio. The result of this research shows the implementations of RatHole algorithm using android operating system which is file management android app that is being protected with RatHole algorithm and the probability of breaking down the algorithm for 1 to 10 authentication method keeps reducing by averagely 0.12. The implemented Rat-Hole on android devices also consumed 20 to 30 megabytes of data very less than memory consumption of recent research based on block chain solution which consumed 1 gigabyte to 50 gigabyte of memory.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-9962
print ISSN: 3026-9091