The Jarida la Mnyampala (JM) is an academic journal under the Department of Kiswahili at St John’s University of Tanzania. JM is Kiswahili registered journal with registration number ISSN 2683-6440 (print) and e-ISSN 2683-6432 (online). AuthThe journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture.ors, researchers, and Swahili enthusiasts are warmly invited to submit articles to this journal. All submissions should be sent to the chief editor via journal’s email at NOTE: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE MNYAMPALA JOURNAL ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THOSE OF THE EDITORS.

Aims and Scope
The journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture. We also publish articles related to book reviews/book critics. The official language of the journal is Kiswahilli. To broaden the readership, the author may write their abstract in both English and Swahili.The journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture.

You can see this journal's website here.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2683-6432
print ISSN: 2683-6440