Gawie Schlebusch
Central University of Technology, Free State, Welkom Campus, South Africa
Motsamai Thobedi
Teto High School, Thabong, Welkom, South Africa
The re-birth of South Africa in 1994 brought about the realization of new educational policies. The Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) approach was introduced in 1998 to advance teaching and learning of various Learning Areas in schools in South Africa. This article addresses the implementation of Outcomes-based Education (OBE) to facilitate the learning and teaching of English as a First Additional Language (EFAL) in Grade eight. It focuses on township schools in the Lejweleputswa District in the Free State province, previously under the Department of Education and Training. The introduction of OBE in South Africa aims to initiate an era of meaningful teaching. With an OBE approach, teaching and learning activities have the aim of empowering learners to succeed in "real life" after completing school. One of the main aims of using a language, for example English, is to develop communicative competence in that language. English though, is the first language of only 8,2% of South African citizens (Statistics South Africa, 2001: 14). Most learners in South Africa need to enroll for EFAL. The manner in which OBE is implemented in Grade eight EFAL classrooms is vital to the academic success of these learners. English as the language of learning, the acquisition of English as second (or even third) language, as well as OBE has been researched before. This study is unique in the way that it addresses the direct influence of the OBE approach on the teaching and learning process in Grade 8 EFAL classrooms.
Keywords: English first additional language, EFAL classrooms, Outcomes-based Education
Journal for Language Teaching Vol. 39(2) 2005: 306-319