According to survey research (Lessing & De Witt 2001), teachers currently teaching reading in the foundation phase, indicated a need for further training in this regard. The survey indicated that teachers feel unsure about what is expected from them in the new education system. With this in mind the authors presented a workshop in which the focus was on teaching reading in an outcomes-based Education (OBE) framework with the aim of empowering teachers to teach reading in the foundation phase. The workshop dealt with reading as an important aspect of the literacy learning area and suggestions were made to enhance the acquisition of vocabulary, sight reading words, decoding skills and comprehension. The importance of integration of the different aspects (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in the literacy learning area as well as integration of different learning areas (literacy, numeracy and life skills) was stressed. A questionnaire was used to determine teachers' views of the workshop. Teachers' views on the presentation of oral language, listening, communication, reading, spelling and writing as presented in the workshop were evaluated. The evaluation of teachers' views of the workshop was compared with regard to different moderator variables, such as initial training and teaching experience, to determine if these significantly influenced their responses. In general the evaluation of the workshop was very positive and it was clear that the workshop contributed to equip teachers to teach reading in the new OBE framework.
(Journal for Language Teaching: 2002 36(3-4):273-288)