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Gye nvudde w’ensomesa y’Oluganda mu Uganda The history of Luganda teaching in Uganda
Gye buva bwenkana, olulimi lwonna lwa mugaso nnyo mu bulamu bw’omuntu; lumusobozesa okuwuliziganya n’abalala ate lumwawula ku bantu b’amawanga amalala kubanga lwe lukongojja ebyobuwangwa by’eggwanga lye. Lusobola okumukulaa-kulanya mu mbeera zonna; gamba mu byenfuna, mu byobufuzi, mu byeddiini wamu ne mu by’enkolagana n’abalala kubanga aluyigiramu era n’alukoleramu ebintu bingi. Okuva edda n’edda, Abaganda baasomesebwanga Oluganda era ne bayita mu lwo okwekulaakulanya mu mbeera zonna. Beeyambisanga litulica omwogere gwe baatambuzanga okuva ku mulembe ogumu okudda ku mulala, ng’abantu abakulu wamu n’abaabanga n’ebitone eby’enjawulo be bavunaanyizibwa ku kute-ndeka emigigi emito - nga babalaga enkola y’ebintu ko n’okubeenyigizaamu. Ensomesa y’Oluganda yatambula kinnawadda okutuusa lwe yajjirwa Abazungu abaakyusa enteekateeka yaayo nga n’ekisinga byonna, be Bazungu okuggya Abaganda ku byabwe ate ne batandika okubasigamu ebyabwe (eby’Abazungu). Olwaleero, ebyenjigiriza ebisobozesa omuntu okufuuka yinjiniya, omusawo, omubazi w’ebitabo oba omukugu ow’engeri endala yonna, bisibukira ddala ku byenjigiriza bya Bajjajjaffe ebyakakasanga nti omwana atendekebwa obukugu obwamusobozesanga okuwangaala mu nsi. Noolwekyo, tugamba nti kirungi bitobekebwe mu byenjigiriza eby'o-mulembe guno ogwa saayansi ne tekinologiya kubanga bikyali bya mugaso nnyo mu kukuza omwana omuntumulamu era alibeera ow’omugaso mu nsi. Olupapula luno luwa ennyanjula; ennyinyonnyola y’ebigambo ebi-kulu; ne lulambika ensomesa y’Oluganda okuva ng’Abazungu tebannajja; nga bamaze okujja; okusoomoozebwa kwe luzze lusanga; ne kibaako n’amagezi ge kiwa mu buufu obwo.
Language plays two vital inseparable roles in a person’s life; It is a means of communication and a basis of our identity. It is through language that we can know our past and prepare our future, thereby preserving our culture. Indigenous education in Buganda, having been carried out by the word of mouth through oral literature; emulation from, and physical training by the skilled; was a source of knowledge and skills; character molding to the young people; cooperation and collaboration amongst the community; and preservation of communal values in society. It was the advent of formal education and western culture which changed the foundation of indigenous education that saw the Baganda undermine their culture and taking on the western culture, thereby leading to moral decay and other vices. This article explains the key words; highlights indigenous education in Buganda; Luganda education after the coming of the British; the challenges posed by their coming and formal education towards Luganda; and a way forward towards the preservation of the Ganda culture in general including documentation and embracing technology as the way to go.