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The Resource Challenges Facing Schools in Enhancing Quality of Education

Kedmundi Muya
Coletha C. Ngirwa


This study examined resource-related challenges facing registered secondary schools in enhancing the quality of education in Kilosa District. The study employed a mixed-methods research approach and descriptive research design. The data were collected through interviews and questionnaires from 120 respondents. The findings revealed that some schools have adequate infrastructure and sufficient teaching and learning materials. In contrast, others experienced a shortage of school infrastructure and teaching and learning facilities, which affected the quality of education. It is suggested that the government needs to maintain rules and regulations for registering schools to preserve education standards. The government should involve school owners and other education stakeholders in maintaining the standards of schools as per the schools’ registration rules and regulations.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2961-6328
print ISSN: 1821-5548