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Managing Early Childhood Education Data in Inclusive Public Schools in Temeke Municipality, Tanzania

Karoli John Mrema


Investment in Early Childhood Education (ECE) necessitates effective data management, as it plays a crucial role in the development of pupils in inclusive public schools. This paper explores the management of ECE data in inclusive public schools in Temeke Municipality, Tanzania, focusing on data collection processes, utilization practices, and the challenges encountered. The study is informed by an interpretative paradigm and employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing a multiple case study design. Participants included classroom teachers, head teachers, and administrators from ECE and inclusive public schools, with a sample size of 22, selected through purposive and snowball sampling strategies. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentary reviews and analysed using content analysis with the support of ATLAS.ti software. Findings indicate that the majority of participants reported that ECE data were collected through annual censuses, field visits by teachers and local government authorities, interviews with parents and guardians, and documentary reviews, while a few participants were unaware of these practices. Regarding data utilisation practices, the majority of participants stated that the collected data informed decisions related to enrollment, attendance, infrastructure, and the enhancement of teaching and learning in inclusive schools, while a few participants were unaware. Additionally, most participants identified challenges in ECE data management, including a lack of cooperation during the data collection process, poor data storage, and low community awareness, whereas only a few participants were not aware of these issues. The study concludes that, despite increasing policy expectations for research-based practices and data-driven decision-making in ECE, there is limited research on the types of data collected by ECE educators and their impact on enhancing practice and informing decisions. Therefore, effective ECE data collection and utilization are essential for making informed decisions regarding children in inclusive schools. The study recommends that government and educational stakeholders prioritise the collection and storage of quality ECE data to facilitate informed decision-making in inclusive educational settings.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2961-6328
print ISSN: 1821-5548