JIEPH's vision is to be a veritable platform which provides culturally and technically specific evidence that drives public health and field epidemiology practice and policy.
To build capacity for public health evidence generation and context specific dissemination from Africa to the rest of the world.
JIEPH publishes original scientific papers, reviews, and short reports in all areas of public health with a particular interest in interventional field epidemiology.
JIEPH welcomes review articles and meta-analyses, novel hypotheses and approaches in addition to discussion of research theory, public health policy and practice.
JIEPH also publishes supplements on public health related issues and events.
We give special consideration to papers from Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) and Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programs (FELTPs) as well as other applied public health training programs in Africa and other parts of the world. We also accept work done by Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Environment, Water and Sanitation, universities, health services institutes, laboratories and other national and international partners like UN agencies and regional health organizations, local and international NGOs and individual researchers in relevant subject areas.
JIEPH targets interventional epidemiology and public health practitioners, policy makers, researchers, FETP and FELTP fellows/residents, laboratory scientists, environmental scientists and other One Health related professions (veterinary and clinical practitioners) in addition to individuals who are involved in the management and delivery of public health services and systems in Africa and beyond.
Other websites associated with this website: https://www.afenet-journal.net/#gsc.tab=0
Current Issue: Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-05-15