The Journal of Geographical Association of Tanzania (JGAT) is an international journal of Geography which encourages peer review process. Its main emphasis is on theoretic and methodological debates in balance with recent empirical geographical and related social science research. Particular value is set on high-quality research works that apply theories and scientific models in explaining contextual realities.
Aims and Scope
The JGAT serves as a platform for knowledge sharing across the globe. It seeks to make contributions to geographical research and related fields in a manner that promotes and encourages high quality outputs that may potentially respond to policy gaps, development quest and informed decisions at local, regional and international spaces. Manuscripts that addresses human geography, natural resource conservation-/management, climate change, land use studies, environmental studies, management of water resources, ecological research, urban studies, sustainable development in relation to geographical aspects, and the use of Geospatial tools are encouraged.
You can see this journal's website here.
Current Issue: Vol. 44 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-08-08