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Nutrients and phytochemicals composition of methanolic extract of four edible spices commonly used in the preparation of soups in South-West Nigeria

Abiodun.Y Ifebajo
Olaide.O Folahan


Background: Spices are significant source of micro-nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals which are highly beneficial for their therapeutic potentials, maintenance of health and prevention of diseases.
Objective: This study assessed the nutrients and phytochemicals composition of methanolic extract of four edible Spices commonly used in the Preparation of Soups in South-West Nigeria
Materials and methods: Ginger, garlic, turmeric and Curry leaf were purchased from Ojakoko in Owo town and shasha market, Akure, Ondo State respectively. Each of the raw spices were thoroughly sorted, washed and diced and air dried for 48hours and milled into powder with attrition milling machine. Chemical and instrumental analyses were conducted on each spice. Data generated was analysed for means and standard deviation. ANOVA and Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) were used to compared and separate the means respectively. Significant difference was set at p<0.05
Results: findings shows that protein (13.3%) and ash (5.26%), and sodium were significantly (P<0.05) higher in ginger compare to other spices. Garlic was significantly (P<0.05) lower in protein (6.38%) but significantly (P<0.05) higher in carbohydrate (73.77g), Ca (183.20mg/100g), Cu (0.53mg/100g), Se10.11mg/100g), Mg(25.25mg/100g), P (153mg/100g) and I (4.40mg/100g) while curry leaf was higher in K 570.53mg/100g. Zn (3.76mg/100g) and Fe (3.33mg/100g) were higher in turmeric. For the phytochemicals, curry leaf was higher in polyphenol (27.18%), flavonoids (7.12%), phytate (1.23%) and saponin (0.35%). Turmeric had the highest alkaloids (60.32%) content and was significantly differ (P<0.05) in value from other spices.
Conclusion: This study has established that the selected spices are good sources of micro-nutrients, protein, and phytochemicals, therefore it use should be encouraged.

Keywords: Spices, micro-nutrients, antioxidant, phytochemicals, protein, selenium

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3326
print ISSN: 2141-8209