The Journal of Development Administration (JDA) publishes papers that have implications for development globally but with a focus on African development. The journal is people centred because we believe in people centric approaches to development. This is development with a human face. By putting people at the centre of development, practitioners, governments and agencies have greater chances of taking people out of poverty. This bottom-up approach to understanding poverty, planning against it and implementing poverty reduction strategies is seen as the best recipe for development.
The Journal considers articles from a wide variety of interest areas and from a wide spectrum of disciplines. The editor works with an editorial team from across the globe derived from development sectors mainly in the social sciences. Specific areas covered include but are not limited to development management; resource mobilisation and fundraising; inclusive development; sustainable development; disability and development; gender and development; poverty; sustainable development; social services and development; human development; HIV/AIDS; child development; counselling; rural development; governance; disaster management; agriculture and livelihoods; and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
The Journal accepts manuscripts in the form of original research reports, research summaries, book reviews, literature review articles including systematic reviews, think pieces, reports of practice and original frameworks. Other forms of papers may be published at the discretion of the Editor.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://africasocialwork.net/jda-current-and-past-issues/
Current Issue: Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-10-17