Published: 2025-03-04


Joseph Anireju Lori

The anthocyanin metal interactions: An overview

A. I. Adeagbo, A. A. Azeez, O. O. Ogunmola, A. Sodamade, R. A. Larayetan


Determination of the amount of zinc in pure line maize and seasonal variations in grains and silks grown across Nigeria.

E. I. Obolo, S. Ande, C. E. Ejikeme, D. G. Akintunde, M. S. Abdulquadir, R. F. Lawal, M. E. Jaiyesimi


Biological activity studies of guanidine-phosphonate complexes of iron, cobalt and zinc

J. A. Aremu, L. M. Durosinmi, I. A. O. Ojo, E. A. Oluyemi, A. K. Akinlabi, A. O. Oluduro


Acid and alkaline pretreatment of biochar and their effect on the removal of bisphenol a from aqueous solution

N. O. Eze, F. U. Vincent, O. N. Ogbonna, O. P. Nwidembia, C. Solomon, W. J. Oti


Photocatalytic dye degredation using ecofriendly synthesized silver nanoparticles

G. E. Ankwai, S. A. Mamuru, O. O. Balogun, M. Ibrahim, N. J. Shamle


Micro and nano plastics in agricultural soils

N. P. Ekwe, J. C Nnaji, A. I. Okoro


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-2441
print ISSN: 0795-2066