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Literature Review

Towards a theory-based positive youth development programme

Andrea JW Brink
Marié P Wissing


The aim of this study was to develop and describe an intervention programme for young adolescents, guided by the Positive Youth Development Intervention (PYDI) model, which provides a perspective on the facilitation of development in a more positive trajectory. The key concepts and processes suggested by the PYDI model were further analysed and broadened using existing literature for operationalisation and application purposes. Self-regulation is the central process effectuating developmental change, within the contexts of: a) the navigation of stressors; and b) the formulation and effective pursuit of relevant personal goals. Self-regulation, together with a developmental perspective, provided guidelines regarding the relevant skills and knowledge. These are facilitating: a) identity development; b) formulation of goals congruent with the latter; c) decision-making skills; d) coping skills; e) regulation of affect and cognition; and f) socialisation skills. The relevant content areas and the manner of the facilitation of these are indicated. The theory-based programme can be implemented and its effect empirically evaluated. Levels of hope, problem-solving efficacy and social efficacy may serve as, inter alia, indicators of developmental change.

Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2013, 25(1): 7–22

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1728-0591
print ISSN: 1728-0583