Large scale applications of converters in power electronics had introduced disturbances of on electric grids by current and voltage harmonics, and a multilevel converter was designed and implemented to mitigate such disto-rtions. A Reduced Bidirectional Neutral Point Switch (RBNPS) topology multilevel inverter which possessed advantages of reduced number of power-switches, easier control, very low distortion factor, and minimized swi-tching frequency was adopted. The RBNPS with a structure of a single phase voltage source inverter was an out-come of optimization of Bidirectional Neutral Point Switch (BNPS), and the topology was modified to supply both single phase and three phase loads by adding an m-phase maker to the converter. The setup of the multi-level inverter and m-phase maker was simulated using MATLAB and the results confirmed the excellent perfor-mance of the RBNPS. The listed advantages attained could be incorporated in the design and operation of a converter for an electric drive of a car.