The Journal of Applied Science and Technology (JAST) seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the applied sciences, specifically addressing issues that relate to technological developments in the Tropics. The Journal of Applied Science and Technology (ISSN-0855-2215) is an International Journal published jointly by the International Centre for Materials Science and Technology (ICMST-Gh) and the Materials Research Society of Ghana (MRS-Gh), in collaboration with the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), Council for Scientific and Industrial research (CSIR), Energy Research group of Ghana and Apimanim Akyempim Resources. The Journal is refereed by experts in the various fields of Applied Science and Technology
The Journal of Applied Science and Technology (JAST) is among 512 African Journals Online, for which the Tables of Contents and Abstracts are published by AJOL, info@ajol.info. The Journal participates in African Periodicals Exhibit (APEX) through African Journals Support and Develop-ment Centre (AJSDC) in Kenya, and is also affiliated to the International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, INASP (UK) (http://www.inasp.org.uk/), Association of Learned and Profess-ional Society Publishers (ALPSP) in UK and Professional/Scholarly Publishing (PSP) of Association of American Publishers Inc., USA. The Contents are also hosted by EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, USA (eppubdata@epnet.com).
Current Issue: Vol. 23 No. 1-2 (2019)
Published: 2020-01-29