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Pollutant contamination and dispersion in engine tests laboratories
K.D.H. Bob-Manuel
Concentration levels of nitrous fumes (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) and carbon monoxide in engine test la-boratories during performance test and simulated dispersion values of these pollutants are presented. The simul-ation was based on solution of three dimensional Gaussian diffusion equation of dispersion in the laboratories at standard atmospheric conditions. The predicted values were in agreement with the measured concentration lev-els. It was observed that concentration levels of nitrous fumes and carbon monoxide in the laboratories varied during the test period. Engine design, operational mode, calibration gas concentration and ventilation were ide-ntified as variable factors that could influence the concentration levels of pollutants in the laboratories. High co-ncentration levels of pollutants occurred immediately after calibration of analyzers, during long idling and at hi-gh speed and load operation when ventilation in the test cell was inadequate.
(Journal of Applied Science and Technology: 2001 6(1-2): 79-84)
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