Published: 2024-11-29

Gromov - Hausdorff Convergence and Topological Stability for Actions on Wasserstein Hyperspaces

M. A. Morawo, M. L. Danyaro, A. S. Bailey, K. Y. Azeez


Evaluating the Relationship between Plasma Chloride, Calcium and Interleukin-18 in Essential Hypertensive Subjects

O. O. Odewusi, O. A. Akindele, E. A. Omon, S. O. Obadire, A. A. Adesiyan, O. A. Ekundayo, K. D. Suleiman


Absolute Electronic Assessments and Corrections Adoption for Students' Happiness: Crucial Elements of Economic and Forest Conservation

A. A. Aiyeloja, G. A. Adedeji, F. S. Eguakun, C. Fredrick, A. T. Oladele, A. C. Egubogo, A. Alex, D. C. Amaogu, S. O. Osoata


Profitability of Sweet Potato (Ipeoma batatas) Marketing in Toro Local Government Area of Bauchi State, Nigeria

E. Y. Zaman, B. O. Adaaja, B. O. Odey, G. I. Otiwa, N. N. Akemien


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502