Published: 2024-10-30

Effect of Different Food Processing and Agricultural Wastes on Mycelia Yield of White Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus)

C. C. Otali, C. S. O. Otoikhian, B. O. Bosah, C. S. Akpeji, D. N. Otali


Ethno-Nutritional Uses of Wild Edible Vegetables in Ogun Waterside Rural Communities Ogun State, Nigeria

M. B. Olaniyi, S. O. Rufai, A. A. Olaniyi, R. A. Alawode, O. A. Hamzat, P. O. Ogunbamowo


Isolation, Characterization and Optimization of Pigment-producing Bacteria from Different Sources in Ogwa, Esan West Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria

T. S. Okanlawon, D. Ehijele, N. P. Okanlawon, E. S. Omobolade, I. S. Abgaje, O. S. Akinsola, G. C. Unogwa


Comparative Assessment of Heavy Metal Loading from Sewage Effluents and Inlet Rivers in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya

S. Khatiebi, Z. Odira, L. Shiyenzi, J. Nyang’au, C. N. Chi, C. Mulambalah, P. Okoth


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502