Published: 2024-09-12

Development and comparison of a loop mediated isothermal amplification assay for the rapid diagnosis of lumpy skin disease

Edna W. Macharia, Yatinder S. Binepal, Justus Onguso, Roy Kiambi, Bramwel Wanjala


A Predictive model for performance analysis of solar PV Systems in Kajiado County, Kenya

Benjamin Elmard Ogweno, David Wafula Wekesa, Fenwicks Shombe Musonye


Urban agriculture and its determinants in Kidfarmaco estate, Kikuyu Town

Brigid J. Chesang, Mugwima B. Njuguna, Gerryshom K. Munala


Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) On-Farm Feeding: Effect on Performance and Profitability

Edwin N. Mathai, Didier K. Barwani, Vincent Mwashi, Jonathan M. Munguti, Jacob Iteba, Francis Wekesa, Chrysantus M. Tanga, Peter Kiiru, Mathew G. Gicheha, Isaac M. Osuga


Adoption of SIPs among small-scale mango growers in Kitui County, Kenya

Njoki Kagimbi, Losenge Turoop, Eucabeth Majiwa, Clifford Obiero, Gotz Uckert, Stefan Sieber , Mervyn Muriungi


The role of Multi Actor Communities of practice in dissemination of push-pull technology

Esther Ngonga, Benjamin Ombok, D.O. Osewe , Fredrick Aila, George Odhiambo


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1561-7645