Published: 2024-08-06

Fatty acid profile of oil extracted from the seeds of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and avocado (Persea Americana)

G.M. Saibu , A.G. Adeyemo , O.N. Avoseh , O.O. Ogunrinola , T.O. Ayeni , O.B. Adu , O. O. Fajana , S.N. Olaitan , B.O. Elemo


Analysis of the determinants of savings among cassava processors in Imo State

L.U. Igwe, K.C. Igwe, O.B. Ibeagwa, K.H. Anyiam, O.C. Enoch


Production and postharvest constraints of soursop (Annona muricata-L) in Ogun state, Nigeria

O.B. Benson, A.O. Anifowoshe, M.O. Oladeinde, F.F. Olayemi , P.O. Pessu


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-1074