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Use of climate-smart practices among small ruminant farmers in Kwara State

O.L. Abdulrahman
O.J. Yusuf
L. K. Olatinwo
I.I. Adewumi
O.A. Abimbola


This study describes the demographic characteristics of small ruminant farmers, identify farmers' information sources on climate-smart practices, identify the climate-smart practices used and the constraints to use of climate-smart practices. One hundred and eighty (180) small ruminant farmers were randomly selected for the study. Analytical tools such as descriptive; frequency, mean, percentages and inferential statistics; linear multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that 56.1% of the small ruminant farmers were male, mean age of 40.1 years with mean of 6.2 years in small ruminant production. The most used climate-smart practices were stocking species that are tolerant to harsh weather conditions (mean=3.4), water conservation (mean=3.2) and use of weather forecast information (2.7±1.09). Difficulties in the provision of adequate feed for small ruminants during the dry season (mean = 4.3) was the highest-ranked constraints inhibiting the use of climate-smart practices. The result of the linear multiple regression analysis showed that age, level of education, rearing system were the determinants of the use of climate smart practices among the ruminant farmers. This study thus recommends the provision of adequate information on how to use climate smart practices effectively and training on how to produce feed such as hay or silage for feeding ruminant animals during dry season.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-1074