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Proximate, total starch,glycemic index, glycmic load and sensory analysis of fufu analogue products from maize residue

J.C. Ndulaka
N.E. Obasi
G.I. Onwuka
T.E. Esihe


Production and evaluation of fufu analogue products from maize residue were studied.Maize residue was blended with different  quantities of food binders (psyllium husk and gelatin) for the production of fufu analogue products. Standard procedures were adopted  in the analysis of the proximate compositions, total starch, hydrolysis index, estimated glycemic index, glycemic loads and sensory  attributes of the fufu analogue products.The fufu analogue products had moisture content values ranging from 3.03% to 8.26%, crude  protein contents 1.90% to 3.03%, crude fat contents 2.89% to 4.01%, ash contents 6.59% to 7.97%, crude fibre 50.38% to 65.82% and carbohydrate 16.14% to 31.40% respectively. Starch digestibility analysis showed that the total starch of the fufu analogue products to be  within the range of 20.11g/100 g to 22.13g/100g, resistant starch 11.03 to 12.10g/100g, rapidly digestible 4.30 to 4.90/100g, slowly  digestible starch 2.70 to 5.11g/100g. Hydrolysis index of the fufu analogue products was found between the ranges of 1.08 to 6.32%. The  fufu analogue products had estimated glycemic indices ranging from 40.30% to 43.18% and glycemic loads ranging from 6.32 to 19.34%.  The sensory results of the fufu analogue showed that products made of 5-10g psyllium husk rated highest (7.00) in terms of mouldability  and overall acceptability. According to the study, all of the fufu analogue products recorded low glycemic indices and medium range  glycemic loads and could be classified as functional foods. The fufu analogue product with the lowest glycemic load and index was made  from 10g of psyllium husk. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-1074