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Assessment of the viability of climate adaptation strategies of cassava-based farmers in southern Nigeria
The study examined the viability of climate adaptation strategies of cassava-based farmers in Southern Nigeria. A total of 300 cassava-based farmers were randomly selected. Primary data were obtained through administration of questionnaire, interview schedule and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics which involved the use of percentages, mean and frequency distributions as well as OLS multiple regression model. The specific objectives include: to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, identify the climate change adaptation practices employed, ascertain the viability of the climate change adaptation practices and to determine the factors influencing the use of climate change adaptation strategies by the cassava-based farmers in the study area. Results show that majority of the cassava-based farmers were females, married, had a mean age of 46 years, 19 years farming experience, household size of 8 persons, and mean farm size of 1.23 hectares. Results further showed that the cassava farmers adopted various of adaptation strategies such as mixed cropping 24.3%, crop rotation 16.3%, change in planting date 36.6%, use of improved varieties 63.2%, minimum tillage 37%, early and late planting 35.3% and 13.5% respectively. These practices facilitated the adaptation to climate change by the farmers. However, farming experience, farm size, education, access to extension services, credits and farm income influenced the viability of the climatic adaptation strategies of the cassava-based farmers in the area. Farmers are advised to take good advantage of seminars, workshops, symposiums, and conferences on climate change and its implications on agricultural production.
Keywords: Assessment; Viability; Adaptation, Climate Change, Strategies, Cassava-based Farmers