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Determination of the pasting properties of horse-eye bean flour (Mucuna sloanei) varieties relevant to its processing
Horse-Eye Bean seeds are edible rich source of several essential nutrients which can be processed into flour for several purposes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pasting properties of flour processed from species of Horse-Eye Bean seed using Rapid Visco-analytical machine. The results obtained showed that peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown viscosity, final viscosity, setback viscosity were 294.84 RVU, 219.50RVU, 75.34 RVU, 838.96 RVU, and 619.46 RVU for the Big-Sized sample flour and 271.30 RVU, 207.92 RVU,67.37 RVU, 723.46 RVU, and 576.83 RVU for the Small-Sized sample flour respectively. It showed that Horse-Eye Bean flours can be used to improve food quality and their suitability for various food
formulations. Hence they can find useful application for making of pastries like cakes and other snacks.
Keywords: Horse-Eye Bean flour, Pasting properties, Rapi Visco Analyzer, viscosity.