This study evaluated changes cations distribution in degraded soils Otamiri floodplain, having 4 easily idenfiable physiographic land units, namely Upland, Terrace, Levee and Backswamp. Results showed high degradation in Upland and Terrace soils. (Ca/Mg ≤ 3.0) when compared with Levee and Backswamp soils (Ca/Mg > 3.5) at the epipedon. There were distinct morphological differences among these soils, especially in drainage characteristics. This trend was exhibited by other soil properties. The elemental ratios in Upland and Terrace soils indicated poor nutrient balance and this condition is worse given high acidity (pHku ≤, 4.1), low base saturation (≤ 31.0%) and low organic carbon (≤ 1.87%).