This research work was carried out to ascertain the factors affecting investment of farmers in the three management systems of cocoa production in Abia State. Specific farmers investment areas are with respect to the management systems involving owner-managed, lease and share-crop production systems. Questionnaires and oral interview were jointly used to elicit data from a hundred and fifty randomly selected cocoa farmers in the study area. The data gathered were analysed and interpreted using descriptive statistics such as tables and percentages, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that farmers investment in cocoa production in each management system was affected by such factors as household size, farm size, management system, number of extension agent visitations, input cost and membership of cooperative society. Following the findings of this work, it is recommended that nothing less than increased access to resource inputs at the least costs and using the management practices that gives the best output at the least cost will increase the farmers investment performance in cocoa industry in Abia State.