Some anti-nutritional content of two Cocoyam species: Ede Uhie (Xanthosoma sagittifoluin) and Ede Ocha (Colocasia esculenta) were investigated. Oxalates (which combines with serum calcium to form calcium oxalate thereby making calcium unavailable to the body), Phytates (which impairs the utilization of protein and minerals) and Tannins (which inhibits digestive enzymes) were investigated. Different processing methods affected the contents of the anti-nutrients. Soaking in (0.01%) EDTA significantly reduced (P<0.05) the oxalate content in the two species of Cocoyam, soaking in water and cooking to doneness also significantly reduced (P<0.05) the oxalate content in the two species. Reduction of oxalate in the samples roasted in fire was significant (P<0.05). Phytate was slightly reduced while tannin was almost unaffected. Frying in oil to doneness reduced oxalates and phytates while tannins were not affected. Soaking in EDTA, water cooling to doneness, frying and roasting are beneficial and is therefore greatly recommended for the quality processing of Cocoyams.
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 7(2) 2006: 7-14