This study was carried out in a humid tropical environment of Nigeria using N rate of 120 kg ha,sup>-1 recommended for soils of low fertility.Results show significant differences (P<0.05) in cob dry matter among the different N split treatments. While cob dry matter yield averaged 2623 kg ha-1, it was significantly low (1044 kg ha-1) when no N was applied in fertilizer treatment compared with the significant high value of 3667 kg ha-1 when N was applied in two equal split doses at planting and tasselling. Results also show that although applying N in three or four equal split doses beginning at planting gave lower yields compared to application done in two equal splits (first at planting and second at tasselling) which proved to be superior to applying first at three weeks after planting (WAP) and second at tasselling. Also three or four splits commencing at planting proved to be better tan a two-split application at 3 WAP and tasselling. However, the magnitude of the yields obtained in this study suggests the inadequacy of the recommended N rate hence the need for a re-evaluation of N fertilizer rate for enhanced maize yield in the humid forest.
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 7(1) 2006: 133-137