In this study, the effects of feed intake, drugs, floor space and number of breeding stock on pig output among small scale pig farmers in Imo state as well as their efficiency in resource use were determined. A survey of sixty farmers cut across the three agricultural zones of Imo State was chosen for the study. From these sixty farmers, data were collected on quantities and prices of pigs, feed, drugs, floor space and breeding stock. A multiple regression analysis was carried out and the results indicated that, Cobb –Douglas function was the lead equation with R2 of 0.8381.The result showed that with the high F-value, feed, drugs, floor space, and breeding stock have strong explanations to variations in pig output in the area .Pig farmers in the state were found to be under-utilizing feed, drugs, floor space and breeding stock and need to increase their use of these inputs by 6.54%, 93.23%, 99.87% and 95.15% respectively. It was recommended that farmers should be enlightened on better management practices and provided with the enabling environment that can enhance increased use of the basic production inputs.
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 7(1) 2006: 85-91