The study investigated the impact of training on adoption of improved practices among cassava farmers in Oyo and Osun States of Nigeria. Survey data from 120 farmers from both trained and untrained respondents randomly selected from 8 villages were used for the study. Findings of the study show that majority of the farmers (55%) belonged to medium adoption level category. There was significant difference in the level of adoption of trained group and untrained group. Age, socio-economic status, motivation and use of mass media were found to have significant contributions in adoption of the improved practices by the trained group. In the untrained group however, socio-economic status and use of mass media were found to have significant contribution. There is need for more training programmes with adequate extension follow-up. Setting up of information centres where farmers could obtain information would improve the level of adoption.
Keywords: impact, training, improved practices, cassava, farmers
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 6 2005: 34-38