The physical, chemical and bacteriological properties of wastewater from four industries located in rural communities of Imo State, Nigeria were determined using standard methods for the examination of water and wastewaters. The results showed that the wastewaters contained high levels of calcium, magnesium and iron. The high calcium and magnesium contents correlated positively with the high wastewater hardness observed after analysis. The hardness of the wastewaters equally correlated positively with the high bicarbonate and nitrate contents recorded. All the wastewaters analysed were slightly alkaline, pH 6.5 – 8.5. Low alkalinity and high content of free carbon dioxide make water chemically aggressive. The results of the bacteriological determinations indicate that the microbial load of the wastewaters was high in the order of 107 CFU/mL and the presence of certain indicator organisms suggest that these wastewaters may contain pathogenic microorganisms. Even though the total coliform and other determinants of water and wastewater quality were within desirable and permissible levels for primary and secondary contact water, there was need for additional treatment before the discharge of such wastewaters to rural water reservoirs and land.
Int. J. Agric. Rural Dev., 2003, 4: 16-21