AA Shaibu
Plantain and Banana Improvement Program International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, High Rainfall Station, PMB 008, Onne, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
AI Nwonuala
Department of Crop/Soil Science and Forestry, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
A Tenkouano
Plantain and Banana Improvement Program International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, High Rainfall Station, PMB 008, Onne, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
MN Ogburia
Department of Crop/Soil Science and Forestry, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
A field experiment was conducted on thirteen (13) Musa hybrids derived from 4n x 2n crosses, three (3) checks and two (2) plantain landraces to evaluate phenology, growth characteristics and yield performance in a humid agro ecological zone of Nigeria. Fifteen (15) phenotypic characters were significantly different (P<0.01) for phenology and yield performance among the Musa genotypes studied. All hybrids were shorter than the plantain land races. Hybrid 25344-18 (secondary triploid) derived from 7152-2 x 9128-3 had significantly heavier bunch weight (20.5 kg) than the other hybrids and controls. Yield component analysis revealed that bunch weight largely depended on large fruit, number of hands, fruit length and fruit length and fruit circumference. The index of not spotted leaf was not statistically significant for all the genotypes evaluated.
Key Words: Breeding, Growth, Hybrids, Musa sp., Phenology, Triploid, Yield.
Int. J. Agric. Rural Dev., 2003, 4: 1-8