Fruits of the 'nwannu' cultivar of star apple (Chysophyllum albidium G. Ron) were dipped in Benlate, Captaf and KMnO4, seal packaged in polyethylene or paper bags and examined for quality after 14 days of storage at 10°C and 28°C. Star apples packaged in low density polyethylene bags and stored at 10°C were of better quality than fruits packaged in either polyethylene or paper bags and stored at 28°C. Fruits treated with Captaf or Benlate retained freshness after 14 days storage in either polyethylene or paper bags of 10°C. The decay free percentage and percentage marketable fruits were significantly higher at 10°C than at 28°C. There were no significant differences in the protein, fibre and ash contents of stored fruits but the total sugar contents were higher in fruits stored at 28°C that at 10°C. Fruits stored at 10°C in both packaging materials contained more ascorbic acid and lipid contents than those stored at 28°C.
Keywords: Star apple, Chrysophyllum albidium, post-harvest life, Benlate, Captaf, quality, storage.
[IJARD Vol.3 2002: 131-137]