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Socio-psychological problems of the aged Yoruba and Hausa dwelling in South-Western Nigeria
led to the neglect of the aged, and the strategies for ensuring a guaranteed social welfare package for them are increasingly being ignored. This study examined the socio- psychological problems of Yoruba and Hausa dwelling in South-Western Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 300 respondents. The main instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire, complemented with Oral Interview. The findings revealed that there is significant difference between the traditional social welfare of the aged Hausa and Yoruba. The findings also revealed that there is significant difference between communication media used for ameliorating the sociopsychological problems of the aged in Hausa and Yoruba community. The findings showed that there is significant difference between traditional social welfare policies of the aged Hausa and Yoruba of Nigeria. It was, therefore, recommended that the children and kins of the aged make provision for their parents, encourage their domestic rehabilitation, attend to their socio-psychological problems and reinforce their communication media to promote longevity of life. The aged too should make adequate provision for their old age through investment in viable shares, children education from their youthful age and other investments that can secure comfort in their old age.